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Fears Most Women Have About How Their Success Will Affect Their Relationship

<img src="http://madamenoire.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/unhappy-couple.jpeg" alt="" width="1068" height="600" class="size-full wp-image-743458 aligncenter" /> There is a predicament most career-driven women deal with but few talk about -- the worry that their success will take away from their romantic relationship. There is this fear that it is anti-feminist to care how your career affects your personal life, but it’s just human to think about that! In fact, women often criticize men for over-prioritizing their careers and not dedicating enough time to their family, so it should be no surprise that women themselves want a good work-life balance. If you’re at a crossroads in your career and worry that this next big move could take your attention away from your relationship, know that that’s normal. Here are common fears women have about how their success can affect their relationship.

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